
Help - my button on my lifecam 3000 doesn't work with Communicator...(Sep 24 2008)

If you want to change the button on the top of your MS webcam from MSN to OCS client do the following:


Step 1. Download LiveCam 1.3+

You can down load LiveCam 1.3+ from here:


64bit of Lifecam v2.04 found here



Step 2. GPO or Registry

You can then download the GPO or app that will change your Call Button to open w/Office communicator


If you want to set this up on windows Vista then you can’t go the ADM route (ADMX files are the new type)

You can use the ADM2ADMX converter:


Or just add the following registry key:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Step 3. Run the exe

Download the zip file (Office Communicator - Call Button Integration Support Kit.Zip) file and run OCSupportKitLifeCam.exe




My Server is hung - what do I do? (Sep 15 2008)

This was put together by another TAM - Wade Ashworth.


Debugging a dump from a hung server may not be something you do every day so you may want to engage with one of our debug experts, however with this information as your guide you may find that you can narrow down a problem and save yourself a call.

My Server is hung - what do I do?


If you need additional background on debugging, this article can get you started.

Basics of Debugging Windows


  • ·        
  • ·        
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I also compiled some additional resources that you may find useful including links to the tools, book recommendations,




Recover a Virtual NIC in Virtual Server 2008 (Sep 03 2008)

Let's say you did something stupid (or not - who am I to say) and deleted a VM that you needed later on.  You have the VHD files but have lost the definition file.

You re-create the machine, but now the VM finds "new" NICs.  You can remove the old NICs from the machine (device mangler or regedit), but if you really needed the original NIC MAC addresses here are two ways to recover them:


Look into HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces on VM

And move settings to new NICs.


Alternatively you may run Device Manager, showing disconnected devices, look into old NICs device GUIDs, write them down, shutdown VM, edit XML configuration file manually to replace current GUIDs to old GUIDs.


Both are Completely Unsupported.



Configuring the Microsoft Phone Edition (Tanjay)(OCS) to use a different VLAN (Jun 19 2008)

As mentioned in:

Special thanks to: Joey Grissom (Microsoft PSS) for this work.

This is for informative purposes only. 

Executive Summary The Microsoft Phone Edition uses the DHCP server to configure its voice VLAN. This is done by first connecting to the native VLAN of the switch and requesting an IP address. The DHCP DISCOVER packet contains the Vendor Class Identifier (VCI) of 60 with a value of "CPE-OCPHONE". The DHCP Server then sends a Vendor Specific Option parameter 43 (the VLAN ID) in the DHCP OFFER packet. The Microsoft Phone Edition will then release its IP Address, attach to the VLAN it received from the DHCP server and request a new IP address. It will then proceed with a normal log in. By pressing the about button on the Microsoft Phone Edition, it will display the IP address and the current VLAN the device is connected to.

Configuring the Microsoft DHCP Server

1) Right click on the DHCP server and select "Define Vendor Classes"

2) Click the Add button

3) Type the following information

Display Name: Anything (I used Microsoft Phone Edition) Description: Anything (I used VLAN tagging for the Microsoft Phone Edition) ASCII: CPE-OCPHONE (Note: You must click on the ASCII portion to type this and must be in all caps)

4) Click on OK and then Close to return to the DHCP Server MMC

5) Right click on the DHCP Server and select "Predefined Options"

6) Click the add button

7) Configure the Option Type

Name: Anything (I used MCE Option 43) Data Type: Word Code: VLAN Number Description: Anything (I used VLAN Microsoft Phone Edition Will Use)

8) Configure the DHCP Server options by click on the Server Options folder under the DHCP server and selecting Configure Options.

9) Select the Advanced Tab

10) Set the Data Entry String Value to the VLAN you would like the Microsoft Phone Edition to Use. Click on OK.

11) The VLAN number will be converted to hex. It will also show up under the scope options.



Configuring your Enviroment for the Microsoft Phone Edition (Tanjay) (OCS) (Jun 19 2008)

This is informative purposes only.  


At a minimum you will need to have the following configured on your network in order for the Tanjay to connect:


  • DNS
  • DHCP
  • NTP
  • Certificate Service registered in AD



The DNS zone for the domain containing your Tanjay device must have the following 2 records:


1.       An A record for the SIP domain you want the Tanjay to connect to; for example:


(internal access)   IPAddressOfAccessProxy

(external access)      IPAddressOfSEServer



2.       A UDP SRV record for the NTP service (stored under; for example:


_ntp      port:123      NTPServerFQDN


3.   SRV records for the OCS service discovery internally


_sipinternaltls._tcp.<FQDN of SIP Server (Director or OCS Server, pool or pool VIP)>


_sipinternal._tcp.<FQDN of SIP Server (Director or OCS Server, pool or pool VIP)>


4.       SRV records for the OCS service discovery externally (for remote access)


_sip._tls.<FQDN of SIP Server (Director or OCS Server, pool or pool VIP)>


_sip._tcp.<FQDN of SIP Server (Director or OCS Server, pool or pool VIP)>




Starting with build 421 running against an OCS 2007 RTM server, Tanjay now supports DHCP Option 119 which allows an Administrator to define a list of DNS Suffixes to try if the default DNS Domain Name defined in DHCP Option 015 does not produce a valid DC. The Tanjay will attempt to form a valid FQDN by appending each suffix in sequence.

To enable DHCP Option 119:

  1. From DHCP Administrator, right click DHCP server name and select Set Predefined Options
  2. Leave Option class: as DHCP Standard Options and click Add
  3. For Name: enter DNS Search List, set Code: to 119 and Data Type to String, leave the Array check box unchecked (it is not an array) and click OK
  4. Right click Scope Options, select Configure Options, check Option 119 DNS Search List
  5. In the Value section in the String list box, enter a list of domain suffixes in your organization delimited by a semi-colon




  1. Click OK to close the Predefined Options and Values page




Configuring the Windows Time service to use an internal hardware clock” in this document:


Enabling the time service is done via group policy on the domain object containing the NTP server using the following steps:


  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Right click on the domain containing your NTP server and select Properties
  3. Click the Group Policy tab, make sure the Default Domain Policy is highlighted and click the Edit button
  4. Expand Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System, Windows Time Service
  5. Click on Time Providers and in the right pane double-click Enable Windows NTP Server, confirm the Enabled radio button is selected and click OK
  6. From the Group Policy Object Editor menu select File and click Exit


Note:  Once you connect your Tanjay device to the network and power it up, the logon display should appear within approximately 2 minutes. If that doesn’t happen confirm that your network connection, DHCP and NTP settings are working properly.



The Tanjay device registers the internal certificate authority in its “Trusted Authorities” store which requires the following two conditions to be in effect:


  • Certificate AutoEnrollment is enabled
  • Certificate Authorities has to contain the Internal CA name


Enabling certificate AutoEnrollment is done via group policy on the domain object containing the Tanjay device using the following steps:


  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Right click on the domain containing your Tanjay device and select Properties
  3. Click the Group Policy tab, make sure the Default Domain Policy is highlighted and click the Edit button
  4. Expand Computer Configuration, Windows Settings, Security Settings
  5. Click on Public Key Policies and in the right pane double-click Autoenrollment Settings, confirm the Enroll certificates automatically radio button is selected and click OK
  6. From the Group Policy Object Editor menu select File and click Exit


Build 421 and above:

Starting with build 421 the Tanjay will continue to go to the Certificate Authority if AutoEnrollment is enabled. However for companies that do not enable AutoEnrollment it’s now possible to upload the path to a .CER file into Active Directory Certification Authority container (Figure 5) and have the Tanjay pull it down from there.


To upload the path to a .CER file run the following command from a domain controller:


certutil -f -dspublish ".CER file location" RootCA



If you are using a 3rd party certificate, the following table contains a list of the default trusted root CAs built into the Tanjay. If your 3rd party vendor is on this list it is not necessary to publish anything related to certificates in Active Directory.





Certificate Name

Expiry Date

Key length


AAA Certificate Services




AddTrust External CA Root




Baltimore CyberTrust Root




GlobalSign Root CA




GTE CyberTrust Global Root




Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority




Thawte Premium Server CA




Thawte Server CA




Secure Server Certification Authority




Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority



Entrust Certification Authority (2048)



Entrust Secure Server Certification Authority




Equifax Secure Certificate Authority




GeoTrust Global CA




Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority







Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority





OCS Settings

In order to complete the Tanjay boot up process it is necessary for certain VOIP properties to be set at the forest level and then mapped to the Front End properties of the pool. The following steps detail the process:


  1. Click Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Office Communications Server 2007, Administrative Tools
  2. Right-click on Forest and choose Properties and click VOIP Properties
  3. Click the Normalization Rules tab and if no Normalization Rules are defined, click the Add button and create one.

Phone Pattern: ^([0-9]{7})$

Translation: +1403$1

Here the 403 is my area code.

4.       Under the Locations Profiles tab click the Add a Location

5.       Right Click on the OCS Pool and choose Front End Properties

6.       Choose Voice, Location Profile, select the Location Profile you just created as the default location.