
LCS 2005 to OCS 2007 R2 to Lync 2010 Configuration Guild (abridge)

Part 1 – LCS Installation (Lab Only)

Note: This section is a compilation of the following document: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=18776

Assumptions: You have installed a Windows 2003 or higher Domain (DC with DNS) and Certificate Authority

  1. LCS 2005 requires Windows Server 2003 (RTM or R2) 32 Bit SP2
  2. The Forest & Domain Functional Level needs to be at Windows 2000 or higher
  3. From the Windows Server 2003 logon as a Domain Admin
  4. Add the AdminPak.msi from the Windows 2003 SP2 CD (or install media) located in i386
  5. Run the LCS Setup and proceed with the AD Schema Updates
    1. Schema Prep
    2. Forest Prep
    3. Domain Prep
    4. After AD Schema Updates install LCS Standard Ed
      1. Setup.Exe
      2. Install Files for Standard Edition Server
      3. In Server Activation click Yes
      4. In Select Account use the default LCService and supply a password
      5. Clear the Enable IM Archival check box when prompted
      6. Confirm Users can IM, Presence, Desktop Share, and Voice/Video
      7. Using the MMC add the Certificates Snap-in for the Computer
        1. From the MMC Request a Certificate
        2. Confirm Certificate is in the Personal Store
        3. From the LCS console right click on the LCS Pool and choose Properties
          1. On the General Tab click Add
          2. Click TLS and confirm 5061 as the port
          3. Select the Certificate created in the previous step
          4. Confirm that both TCP (5060) and TLS (5061) listeners exist
          5. Create and Enable Test Users for LCS
            1. Ensure that Users have been given an Email Address (properties of User Account)
            2. Enable Users for LCS by right clicking in ADUC (on the LCS Server)
            3. Install Communicator 2005
            4. Configure Communicator 2005
              1. Manually configure the LCS Server in the Comm2005 Client, or
              2. Add a DNS entry for _sip._tcp.FQDN on port 5060, or
              3. _tls on port 5061



Part 2.  LCS Prerequisites

  1. LCS 2005 requires the following patches before migration steps can commence
    1. Live Communications Server 2005 Service Pack 1 for Standard and Enterprise Editions, available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=140892 .
    2.  Knowledge Base article 911996, “Description of the update for Live Communications Server 2005: February 10, 2006, rereleased July 11, 2006,” available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=132177 .
    3.  Knowledge Base article 921543, “Description of the Live Communications Server 2005 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: July 21, 2006,” available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=140865 .
    4.  Knowledge Base article 950614, “Description of the update for Live Communications Server 2005 Service Pack 1: September 2008,” available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=140105 .
    5.  Knowledge Base article 949280, “Description of the Communicator 2005 hotfix rollup package: December 19, 2008,” available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=139875 .
    6. Move the Global Settings from the System Container to the Config Container
      1. Backup the System Container Object:  ldifde –f LCSBACKUP.LDF –d “CN=RTCService, CN=Microsoft, CD=System, DC=FQDN, DC=FQDN”
      2. MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs script is available for download at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=148536 .
      3. cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateGlobalSettingsTree
        1. Wait until replication completes before proceeding to the next step.
  2. Cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateGlobalSettingsProperties
    1. Wait until replication completes before proceeding to the next step.
  3. LcsCmd /Forest /Action:ForestPrep /global:configuration
  4. LcsCmd /Domain /Action:DomainPrep
    1. Wait until replication completes before proceeding to the next step.
  5. cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateServerDnReferences /SearchBaseDN:DC=FQDN,DC=FQDN
  6. cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateUserDnReferences /SearchBaseDN:DC=FQDN,DC=FQDN
    1. Note: You may have to run the migrate commands multiple times until the succeed
    2. Wait until replication completes before proceeding to the next step.
  7. cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: DeleteSystemGlobalSettingsTree
    1. Note: you may have to re-run the LCSCMD /Forest /Action:ForestPrep /global:configuration and /Domain /Action:DomainPrep commands to successful have LCS start after the deletion of the System Container Object
    2. Communicator 2005 Clients should be patch to 1.0.559.232


Part 3. OCS 2007 R2 Installation

Note: The following is a compilation of the Office Communications Server 2007 R2: Migration from Live Communications Server 2005 document found here: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=24402

  1. On Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 bit add the following installation pre-requisites as per http://support.microsoft.com/kb/982021
  2. Install KB975858: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/975858
  3. Install the required Run Time Requirements as per; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd280145(v=office.13).aspx
    1. For example on a Windows 2008 R2 SP1 server the command is: dism.exe /online /norestart /add-package /packagepath: “%windir%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Media-Format-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514.mum “ /ignorecheck
    2. Prepare AD Schema by running the OCS Setup (Setup\AMD64\SetupSE.exe)
      1. Schema Prep
      2. Forest Prep
      3. Domain Prep
      4. Install OCS 2007 R2
        1. Confirm Standard Edition
        2. Remove defaults during install
        3. RTCService and RTCComponentService accounts will be created and will require passwords
          1. Note: Installation may Fail with an error of .Net pre-requisites. If so, from Add/Remove Programs uninstall the .Net Framework 4 Extendable and Client Profile updates
          2. Note: Installation will Fail with a successful installation during the Activation Stage
          3. After Install Fails on Activation, run the OCSASNFIX.exe: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/982021
          4. Re-Run Setup allowing Activation to complete successfully installing the OCS certificate with SAN of sip.FQDN
          5. Confirm XP clients can attach by modification of SecPol (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/982021)
          6. Install the Administration Tools for OCS
          7. Add DNS entries
            1. Create an A record for sip.FDQN with the IP address of the OCS server
            2. Create a _sipinternaltls._tcp.FQDN on port 5061 with the sip.FQDN A record
            3. Update OCS (run OCS BPA)
              1. You must update the OCS DB prior to installing the July 2010 OCS 2007 Updates:  OCS2009-DBUpgrade.msi (found at same link as the other updates)
              2. Install July 2010 OCS 2007 R2 Updates package ServerUpdateInstaller.exe: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968802
              3. Edit OCS Global Properties (Enable Desktop Sharing)
                1. From the OCS console right click on the Top Level and choose Global Properties
                2. Choose Meeting
                3. Edit the Default Policy and Enable Web Conferencing, Program and Desktop Sharing and Voice
                4. Create and Enable Test Users for OCS
                  1. Ensure that Users have been given an Email Address (properties of User Account)
                  2. Enable Users for OCS by right clicking in ADUC (on the OCSServer)
                  3. Test OCS features between OCS Users
                  4. Confirm IM and Presence information for LCS to OCS Users
                    1. Note I could not see OCS Notes from LCS clients
                    2. From the OCS console Migrate Users from the LCS Pool (bottom of list: Previous Versions)
                      1. After Migration Enable Enhanced features from the console under the OCS Pool, Users Container (right click and enable)
                      2. Test Migration of LCS User to OCS
                        1. Communicator 2005 Client should be able to logon to OCS server
                        2. Notes set on Migrated Users will appear for LCS Users
                        3. Upgrade the Communicator 2005 Client to Communicator 2007 R2 Client

Client Test Results





Desktop Sharing




White Board



Live Meeting has replaced White Board (although user can share desktop and launch MS Paint)











Only on migrated Users that had a Note set during migration






Previous version Settings Retained





Other:  Backup the OCS Configuration (C:\Program Files\Common Files\MS OCS2007\) LCSCMD.Exe /config /action:export /level:global,machine,pool /configfile:OCSBackup.XML /Poolname:<PoolName> or <Std Server Name>

Other: OCS Best Practice Analyzer: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=18237

Part 4. Lync 2010 Installation

Note: The following is a compilation of the Migrating from Office Communications Server 2007 R2 to Lync Server 2010 document found here: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=9109

  1. On Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 bit add the following installation pre-requisites as per http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398686.aspx

Note: Windows 2008 R2 with Sp1 will fail during the Lync Setup


Use the following command instead of the one originally provided for installing Windows Media Format Runtime on the server:

%systemroot%\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:%windir%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Media-Format-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514.mum /ignorecheck

The command is basically the same but the version is different (6.1.7601.17514 vs 6.1.7600.16385)


  1. Prepare AD Schema by running the Lync Setup (Setup\AMD64\Setup.exe)
    1. Schema Prep
    2. Forest Prep
    3. Domain Prep
    4. Note:  Account should be a part of the following Groups: RTCUniversalServerAdministators and CSAdministrators
    5. Install Topology Builder by running the Lync Deployment Wizard (Setup\AMD64\Setup.exe)
    6. Run "Prepare First Standard Edition Server" the Lync Deployment Wizard (Setup\AMD64\Setup.exe)
    7. Create a File Folder and Share on the Lync Standard Ed Server (C:\LyncShare)
    8. Open the Topology Builder
      1. Choose New Topology
      2. Enter a File Name and Location (C:\LyncTolopogies\<Date><description>.tbxml)
      3. Enter the SIP domain used previously (in LCS and OCS pools)
      4. Enter a Site Name (for example Calgary)
      5. Following the Wizard, define a new Standard Ed. Server
      6. Do not add any features to the Server, or Mediation Server
      7. Do not enable server roles to this FE Pool
      8. Supply the Share information from Step 5
      9. Confirm that dialin.FQDN and meet.FQDN are correct, add an Admin location (LyncAdmin.FQDN)
      10. Click Action tab and select Publish Topology
      11. Follow the wizard prompts

Note: If the Firewall is enabled you may need to disable or follow KB2422384 or the Publishing Wizard may fail.

  1. Choose Install or Update Lync Server System by running the Lync Deployment Wizard (Start Menu)
    1. When prompted choose to Retrieve Directly from the Central Management Store
    2. Reboot after the first step (Install Local Configuration Store)
    3. Continue with install after reboot, (Setup or Remove Lync Server Components)
    4. Confirm the SAN names for the certificate
    5. After Install, confirm the account is part of the following Groups: CSAdministrator, CSServerAdministrator, CSUserAdministrator, CSVoiceAdministrator
    6. Install Silver Light (http://www.microsoft.com/silverlight/handlers/getsilverlight.ashx)
    7. Run the Lync Server Control Panel

Merge OCS Topology

  1. Pre-Reqs
    1. Install the SQL Server Native Client (\setup\amd64\Setup\SQLNCLI.EXE)
    2. Install WMI Backward Compatibility Package (\setup\amd64\Setup\OCSWMIBC.MSI)
    3. Open Topology Builder
      1. Choose to download topology (and save as a new file), or
      2. If the topology has not changed, open your previously saved topology file

Note:  Best Practice is to download and save as a new file (using a date format in the name)

  1. Click on the Actions tab and click on Merge 2007 or 2007 R2 Topology
  2. Follow the wizard prompts
  3. When complete there should now be a BackCompatSite in topology builder
  4. Click Action tab and select Publish Topology
  5. Follow the wizard prompts
  6. On the Lync server run the Import-CsLegacyConfiguration cmdlet

Migrate Users to Lync

  1. Run the Lync Server Control Panel
  2. Click on Users and add a Filter using the Legacy User filter
  3. Highlight and move a single user or all users via the Action button
  4. In DNS, remap the sip.FDQN to the Lync 2010 Std Ed server IP Address

Note:  You will have to disable the client restrictions Default Policy (Clients and edit Default) to allow OCS 2007 R2 clients to connect to Lync 2010




Client Test Results



OCS to Lync

Lync to Lync

Desktop Sharing




Live Meeting




















Previous version Settings Retained








Appendix 1. Scripted Installs


OCS 2007 R2 Requirements (Windows 2008 R2):

Import-Module ServerManager

Add-WindowsFeature web-windows-auth,web-mgmt-compat,web-mgmt-console,web-http-logging,msmq-server,msmq-directory,was-process-model,was-config-apis, web-static-content,rsat-adds –Restart



Lync 2010 Requirements (Windows 2008 R2):

Import-Module ServerManager

Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework,RSAT-ADDS,web-server,Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Http-Errors,Web-Http-Redirect,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Net-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Http-Logging,Web-Log-Libraries,Web-Http-Tracing,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Client-Auth,Web-Filtering,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-Scripting-Tools –Restart




Appendix 2. Lync 2010 Downloads

Official download pages:
TechCenter Lync Downloads Server and Client Update Downloads
Lync 2010 hotfixes cumulative update – January 2011 (CU1)
Lync 2010 hotfixes cumulative update – April 2011 (CU2)

Deployment media:
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 180-Day Trial/Evaluation
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Group Chat
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Group Chat Admin Tool
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Planning Tool (RC)
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 PIC Provisioning Page
Unified Communications Managed API 3.0 Runtime
Unified Communications Managed API 3.0 Software Development Kit
Office Communications Server 2007 R2, Communicator Mobile Component Package For Lync Server
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Capacity Calculator
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Bandwidth Calculator
IM an Expert for Microsoft Lync Server 2010
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Web Scheduler

Desktop client installation media:
Microsoft Lync 2010 client Trial x86
Microsoft Lync 2010 client Trial x64
Microsoft Lync 2010 Group Chat Client
Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendant x86
Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendant x64
Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee – Admin Level Install
Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee – User Level Install
Microsoft Lync 2010 Phone Edition for Aastra 6721ip and Aastra 6725ip
Microsoft Lync 2010 Phone Edition for Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600 and Polycom CX3000
Microsoft Lync 2010 Phone Edition for Polycom CX700 and LG-Nortel IP Phone 8540

Mobile client installation media:

Testing and Training:
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 TechEd Videos fall 2010
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 On Demand Labs
Microsoft Lync 2010 Training ppt’s
Six Steps to a Successful UC Rollout
VHD Test Drive – Lync Server 2010 VHD

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Resource Kit Tools
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Best Practices Analyzer
Microsoft Network Monitor
Microsoft Network Monitor Parsers
Lync Microsoft Network Monitor Parsers
PortQry Port Scanner Version 2.0
Lync Server 2010 Monitoring Management Pack
Lync Server 2010 Stress and Performance Tool

White Papers and Technical Documents:
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 features and how to configure them
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Documentation for IT Pros
Phones and Devices Qualified for Microsoft Lync
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Protocol Workloads Poster
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Visio Stencil
Microsoft Unified Communications Open Interoperability Program
Deploying the BIG-IP LTM with Microsoft Lync Server 2010
Deploying Citrix NetScaler for Lync Server 2010
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 On Prem or wait for Lync Online?
Microsoft Lync 2010 Pricing and Licensing
Microsoft Lync 2010 Licensing Explained
Configuring Microsoft Lync Server 2010 to Support Communicator Mobile for Java and Communicator Mobile for Nokia
Server Virtualization in Microsoft Lync Server 2010
Delivering Microsoft Lync with XenDesktop 5
Polycom and Microsoft Lync 2010 HD 720p with native RT-video
Miercom PBX benchmark test of Lync Server 2010
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Security Guide

PowerShell Scripts:
Official Lync Server 2010 PowerShell Blog
Lync Server 2010 PowerShell quick reference card
LyncAddContacts.vbs – VBS Script to add Groups to multiple contacts
SCRIPT: Set-Lync2010Windows2008R2Features.ps1
SCRIPT: List-UnusedNumbers.ps1
SCRIPT: Set-GlobalVoiceRouting.ps1
SCRIPT: Disable-AdDisabledCsUsers.ps1
SCRIPT: UserSetupScriptGeneric.ps1
SCRIPT: Reset-UserPolicies.ps1
SCRIPT: LyncVCFGConverter.ps1



More Info on "God" Mode in Windows 7

I have been asked a few times in the last week about the security implication of the so-called “GodMode” trick found on CNET as follows:


“By creating a new folder in Windows 7 and renaming it with a certain text string at the end, users are able to have a single place to do everything from changing the look of the mouse pointer to making a new hard drive partition.”


So I decided to document my findings and set the record straight.


Firstly the folder does not need to be call "GOD MODE", in fact it was a poor choice for my initial communication of this feature.  A better name would have been "DOG MODE" to denote my numerous email typos that may of you have seen.  You can call this folder (or any of the other folders listed bellow) what ever name you wish.  Its the use of the text string afterwards that is actual linage to the feature.  


Please be assured that there are no security implications with this “trick”. It’s simply a documented feature of the shell whereby filesystem folders can be easily made into namespace junctions, as described here on MSDN. And yes this can apply to Vista as well.


One of the best descriptions of this “trick” can be found here on brandonlive.com.


In effect, since Windows Vista, each Control Panel item is given a canonical name for use in programmatically launching that item.


A question I have asked and have yet to validate in my lab (its on the books for this weekend) is to confirm that these folders do infact allow for a user to work around the lock down of the control pannel via GPO.  I have asked for an official comment on this from the product group but I suspect I'll have tested this before getting a response.  I will update you with my findings.


Please be aware this is one issue to the use of this, as noted here  - http://www.osnews.com/story/22691

An important note needs to be made about Windows Vista. While this trick is safe for all versions of Windows 7 (both 32bit and 64bit), the situation for Vista is different. Windows Vista 32bit users can use this trick, but Vista 64bit users can not. It will cause your system to enter an Explorer crash loop. If this happens to you, boot into a Safe mode command prompt, navigate to the god mode's parent folder, and execute rd /s God[Tab].



The following canonical names are defined for Control Panel items in Windows 7. All names are also valid on Windows Vista unless specified otherwise. Not all Control Panel items are available on all varieties of Windows and some Control Panel items might appear only when appropriate hardware is detected. These canonical names do not change for different languages. They are always in English, even if the system's language is non-English.


Control Panel Item

Canonical name


Action Center

Microsoft.ActionCenter (Windows 7 and later only)


Administrative Tools






Backup and Restore

Microsoft.BackupAndRestore (Windows 7 and later only)


Biometric Devices

Microsoft.BiometricDevices (Windows 7 and later only)


BitLocker Drive Encryption



Color Management



Credential Manager

Microsoft.CredentialManager (Windows 7 and later only)


Date and Time



Default Location

Microsoft.DefaultLocation (Windows 7 and later only)


Default Programs



Desktop Gadgets

Microsoft.DesktopGadgets (Windows 7 and later only)


Device Manager



Devices and Printers

Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters (Windows 7 and later only)



Microsoft.Display (Windows 7 and later only)


Ease of Access Center



Folder Options






Game Controllers



Get Programs



Getting Started

Microsoft.GettingStarted (Windows 7 and later only)



Microsoft.HomeGroup (Windows 7 and later only)


Indexing Options




Microsoft.Infrared (Windows 7 and later only)


Internet Options



iSCSI Initiator






Location and Other Sensors

Microsoft.LocationAndOtherSensors (Windows 7 and later only)





Network and Sharing Center



Notification Area Icons

Microsoft.NotificationAreaIcons (Windows 7 and later only)


Offline Files



Parental Controls



Pen and Touch

Microsoft.PenAndTouch (Windows 7 and later only)


People Near Me



Performance Information and Tools






Phone and Modem

Microsoft.PhoneAndModem (Windows 7 and later only)


Power Options



Programs and Features




Microsoft.Recovery (Windows 7 and later only)


Region and Language

Microsoft.RegionAndLanguage (Windows 7 and later only)


RemoteApp and Desktop Connections

Microsoft.RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections (Windows 7 and later only)


Scanners and Cameras




Microsoft.Sound (Windows 7 and later only)


Speech Recognition

Microsoft.SpeechRecognition (Windows 7 and later only)


Sync Center






Tablet PC Settings



Taskbar and Start Menu



Text to Speech




Microsoft.Troubleshooting (Windows 7 and later only)


User Accounts



Windows Anytime Upgrade



Windows CardSpace



Windows Defender



Windows Firewall



Windows Mobility Center



Windows SideShow



Windows Update




The following are canonical names for Control Panel items found in Windows Vista that have been renamed or removed as of Windows 7. For compatibility with Windows Vista, all of these names are valid on Windows 7, but the experience can be different:


Control Panel Item

Canonical name



Add Hardware



Maps to Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters




Now Microsoft.Sound

Backup and Restore Center



Now Microsoft.BackupAndRestore

Windows Marketplace







Now Microsoft.Infrared.

Pen and Input Devices



Now Microsoft.PenAndTouch

Phone and Modem



Now Microsoft.PhoneAndModem




Maps to Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters

Problem Reports and Solutions



Maps to Microsoft.ActionCenter

Regional and Language Options



Now Microsoft.RegionAndLanguage

Windows Security Center



Maps to Microsoft.ActionCenter

Speech Recognition Options



Now Microsoft.SpeechRecognition

Welcome Center



Now Microsoft.GettingStarted

Windows Sidebar Properties



Now Microsoft.DesktopGadgets




Posts past this point are from my Technet Site



I have copied only the posts I wanted to keep around.




FYI: TechEd DVD's available on-line only / and to non-attendees

TechEd DVD’s: 


There aren’t any being published this year.  They’ve moved to putting all the content online and having subscribers to the online content for those that didn’t pay to go to Teched.


The main site is here:  http://www.msteched.com/online/home.aspx


Information about the subscription offering is here:  http://www.msteched.com/online/about.aspx


Forgotten Attachment Detector

For those who haven’t seen this tool from Office Labs it is pretty handy.  It works with Office 2010 as well.

