
Windows 2012 (RTM/R2) Set Network Location



In my hyper-v lab I use Non-Domain bound Hosts with a wired and wireless network setup - I place wired in private and wireless in public.

This attribute is not a property of the adapter or interface. Adapter or interface can be connected to different networks, this is obvious for Wi-Fi but is also true for wired Ethernet (just plug the cable to the hotel room socket to experience this).

This attribute is a property of the "network signature", which is managed by the Network Location Awareness service. It identifies networks by things like the default gateway's MAC address and the DNS suffix provided by the DHCP server, creates a unique record for each such network and allows the user to set whether it is Public or Private. Then NLA pushes this setting down to the firewall.

Now the solutions


# Skip network location setting for pre-Vista operating systems
 if([environment]::OSVersion.version.Major -lt 6) { return }
# Skip network location setting if local machine is joined to a domain.
 if(1,3,4,5 -contains (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DomainRole) { return }
# Get network connections
 $networkListManager = [Activator]::CreateInstance([Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID([Guid]"{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B}"))
 $connections = $networkListManager.GetNetworkConnections()
# Set network location to Private for all networks
 $connections | % {$_.GetNetwork().SetCategory(1)}

Using NetSH

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Signatures\Unmanaged

scan all subkeys here, and look at DefaultGatewayMac to find the proper one (Wi-Fi networks can have some other fields there, but I have some doubts in Wi-Fi on Server Core).

In the proper subkey, find ProfileGuid.


net stop nlasvc

(this also stops netprofm)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles\{profile guid}

Category REG_DWORD 0 - public, 1 - private, edit this dword

net start netprofm

(this also starts nlasvc)

To check the tweak was actually applied:

netsh adv sh cur

(should be Public before, Private after)



Exchange 2010 Install on Hyper-V fails with "exsetupui.exe cannot start"

Old fix with new error pop-up.  Disable time sync from guest to host.


Windows Logon Script Fun (notes)

On Windows Vista/Win7 when you map a drive under your admin account you will find that your mapped drive is not available after you switch to your full token via a RunAs or Consent dialog. This is by design because there are actually two tokens in play here. What happens is the LSA recognized that you are admin at logon and creates two logons. The first with a "filtered" token or non-admin which is used to render your desktop and the other containing your full token to be available after consent dialogs.

Because there are two separate logons there are separate logon ID's.  When network shares are mapped they are linked to the current logon session for the current process token. Meaning you don't have access to the network drive from the alternate logon. This can come into play with logon scripts and a number of other areas where you may require access to a network share from both tokens.

If you set the following key it will change how SMB shares are mapped. They will be mapped to a token, which means that LSA will check to see if there is a linked token associated with the user session and add the network share to that location as well. Basically all of this means that after setting this drives will be accessible from both tokens no matter which they are mapped under.

EnableLinkedConnections = 1 (DWord)

Logon Script does not run (specificly via GPO)
Looks to also fix via NT4 (profile)

KB Article Number(s): 2550944
Language: All (Global)
Platform: i386
Location: (

KB Article Number(s): 2550944
Language: All (Global)
Platform: x64
Location: (


ifmember under Vista+  does not work

Two methods to make it work:

1. ifmember.exe can be made to work with Vista+ (Win7). The problem is that when the login script loads, it is unable to find ifmember.exe because it cannot read from a UNC (i.e. \\DC01\NETLOGON). It then tries to read it from c:\windows\system32 and fails unless you have placed a copy there. The work around is to first map a drive to NETLOGON and then prefix your call to ifmember with the drive you mapped.

net use z: \\DC01\Netlogon

z:\ifmember "MY Group"
if errorlevel 1 net use m: \\Server\MYGroup

net use z: /delete


2. Use the following

net user /domain %username% | find "MY Group"
if not errorlevel = 1 (
net use m: \\Server\MYGroup


Windows 8 Server Beta - Hyper-V Replication in Workgroup Mode (using Certificates) - (Error 0x00002f89)

My thanks to my Microsoft contacts for supplying an answer to this.

Situation:  Windows 8 Server Beta:  Hyper-V replication between two servers that are in workgroup mode (non-domain bound).  When configuring using the Understand_and_Troubleshoot_Guide_Hyper-V_Replica_in_Windows_Server_8_Beta documentation I ran into a problem when trying to use the certificate generated in the appendix.


Error 0x00002F89  which states the corticated chosen was not correct due to: not having a corresponding certificate in the computer personal store, terminating at root certificate, including private key, having the server extended feature, and / or correct CN.


I tried a lot of things but just could not make this work.  The following is an addition to the guild which basically tells the replication service to ignor checking of the self-signed certificate: 

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\Replication" /v DisableCertRevocationCheck /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f


Lab Setup: 

Two Machines in workgroup mode:  Win8Acer and Win8Black

On both systems:

1)      Configure the advanced setting to add a FQDN to the name of the server (I used Test.Lab)

2)      In the hosts file specify the replication network address of the server as the FQDN and add the other servers replication network address as well


Step 1.

Server1 (Win8Acer) – Primary Server

Open a CMD as Admin

: Change locatation to my temp directory where MakeCert.Exe is stored

CD C:\MakeCert\


makecert -pe -n "CN=PrimaryTestRootCA" -ss root -sr LocalMachine -sky signature -r "PrimaryTestRootCA.cer"


makecert -pe -n "CN=Win8Acer.Test.Lab" -ss my -sr LocalMachine -sky exchange -eku, -in "PrimaryTestRootCA" -is root -ir LocalMachine -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12 PrimaryTestCert.cer


reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\FailoverReplication" /v DisableCertRevocationCheck /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f


reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\Replication" /v DisableCertRevocationCheck /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f


:Copy the root certificate to the replication server

Copy PrimaryTestCert.cer \\Win8Black\c$\MakeCert\


Step 2.

Server2 (Win8Black) – Replication Server

Open a CMD as Admin

CD C:\MakeCert\


makecert -pe -n "CN=RecoveryTestRootCA" -ss root -sr LocalMachine -sky signature -r "RecoveryTestRootCA.cer"


makecert -pe -n "CN=Win8Black.Test.Lab" -ss my -sr LocalMachine -sky exchange -eku, -in "RecoveryTestRootCA" -is root -ir LocalMachine -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12 RecoveryTestCert.cer


reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\FailoverReplication" /v DisableCertRevocationCheck /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f


reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\Replication" /v DisableCertRevocationCheck /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f


:Copy the root certificate to the replication server

Copy RecoveryTestRootCA.cer \\Win8Acer\c$\MakeCert\


: Import Root Certificate of the Primary CA - Server 1 (copied in previous step)

certutil -addstore -f Root "PrimaryTestRootCA.cer"


Step 3.

Server1 (Win8Acer) – Primary Server

Open a CMD as Admin

: Change locatation to my temp directory where MakeCert.Exe is stored

CD C:\MakeCert\

: Import Root Certificate of the Recovery CA - Server 2 (copied in previous step)

certutil -addstore -f Root " RecoveryTestRootCA.cer "


Step 4.

On both servers:

Following the Hyper-V Guild configure Hyper-V to use the ROOT CERTIFICATE (Server1 = PrimaryTestRootCA.cer, Server 2 = RecoveryTestRootCA.cer) when configuring the certificate used for the replication service and when you do each replication wizard for the individual vm.


Windows 8 Server BETA materials

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