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Upgrade Trial OCS to RTM (Mar 12 2009)

 No warranty is offered for this process - always test before trying in production. 

  • Back up the evaluation User Database (optional).
  1.  From the Backend server, run "Dbbackup /backupfile:[Name of backup file] [/dbname:<name of your user database>] [/sqlserver:<machine name>\<sql server instance>]"
  2. Upgrade the Evaluation Edition pool or Server.
  3. Log on to the Enterprise Edition Server using local administrator credentials.
  4.  Upgrade the installation for the Enterprise Edition Server. Use Server.msi which can be run from the installation folder or the CD (Setup\i386\setupdirectory).

MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v <Drive:\Directory\FileName.log>] [/q[n|b|r][+]]

For example:

MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /l*v C:\Upgrade.log



Specify /qn parameter to run a silent upgrade of installation files during which no wizard pages or dialog boxes appear. If you run a silient install, specify the logging option with /l*vx <file path> parameter. You can also use the, /qn+ parameter to run a silent installation that displays a dialog box at the end ofthe procedure indicating whether the procedure is successful.


  1. Follow the steps in the wizard to complete the upgrade.
  2. Click Finish to exit the wizard.


  1. Repeat steps A through D for each Enterprise Edition Server in the Enterprise pool.
  • The evaluation version of a Director must also be upgraded
  • The evaluation version of Edge Servers and Proxy must be upgraded along with the internal servers and Directors
  1. To upgrade the installation files for the Evaluation Edge Server (Access Edge, Web Conferencing Edge, Audio/Video Edge)
  2.  Log on to the evaluation version of the Edge Server using local administrator credentials.
  3.  Upgrade the installation files for the Edge Server. Use Server.msi, which can be run from the installation folder or installation CD (Setup\i386\setup directory).

MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v <Drive:\Directory\FileName.log>] [/q[n|b|r][+]]

For example:

MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /l*v C:\Upgrade.log

  1. Follow the steps in the wizard.
  2. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
  3. Verify that the full released version of User Replicator is complete.


No warranty is offered for this process - always test before trying in production. 

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