Upgrade Trial OCS to RTM (Mar 12 2009)
No warranty is offered for this process - always test before trying in production.
- Back up the evaluation User Database (optional).
- From the Backend server, run "Dbbackup /backupfile:[Name of backup file] [/dbname:<name of your user database>] [/sqlserver:<machine name>\<sql server instance>]"
- Upgrade the Evaluation Edition pool or Server.
- Log on to the Enterprise Edition Server using local administrator credentials.
- Upgrade the installation for the Enterprise Edition Server. Use Server.msi which can be run from the installation folder or the CD (Setup\i386\setupdirectory).
MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v <Drive:\Directory\FileName.log>] [/q[n|b|r][+]]
For example:
MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /l*v C:\Upgrade.log
Specify /qn parameter to run a silent upgrade of installation files during which no wizard pages or dialog boxes appear. If you run a silient install, specify the logging option with /l*vx <file path> parameter. You can also use the, /qn+ parameter to run a silent installation that displays a dialog box at the end ofthe procedure indicating whether the procedure is successful.
- Follow the steps in the wizard to complete the upgrade.
- Click Finish to exit the wizard.
- Repeat steps A through D for each Enterprise Edition Server in the Enterprise pool.
- The evaluation version of a Director must also be upgraded
- The evaluation version of Edge Servers and Proxy must be upgraded along with the internal servers and Directors
- To upgrade the installation files for the Evaluation Edge Server (Access Edge, Web Conferencing Edge, Audio/Video Edge)
- Log on to the evaluation version of the Edge Server using local administrator credentials.
- Upgrade the installation files for the Edge Server. Use Server.msi, which can be run from the installation folder or installation CD (Setup\i386\setup directory).
MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v <Drive:\Directory\FileName.log>] [/q[n|b|r][+]]
For example:
MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /l*v C:\Upgrade.log
- Follow the steps in the wizard.
- Click Finish to exit the wizard.
- Verify that the full released version of User Replicator is complete.
No warranty is offered for this process - always test before trying in production.
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